St. Paul’s Terrace

St. Paul’s Terrace

The prime contractor was seeking an experienced contractor to strengthen a post-tensioned slab after they had cut a void to accommodate a new stairwell within the office building.

Carbon fibre reinforced polymer was chosen to strengthen the slab and National Concrete Solutions offered the expertise and know-how to install over 250m of carbon fibre reinforced polymer, plus additional L shaped plates for shear strengthening of the slab. During the strengthening works, Ground Penetrating Radar surveys were used to identify post-tensioning strands to accommodate epoxy wedge installation.
St. Paul’s Terrace

During the project, NCS identified that the carbon fibre reinforced polymer application may interrupt the client's plan of applying a vinyl floor to the slab. NCS worked closely with the client to avoid this and offered a solution that would allow the carbon fibre reinforced polymer strips to be recessed into the slab, allowing for the final finish on the slab to be completely flat.