
Noosa Filter 4

South East Queensland has many aging water infrastructure assets requiring remedial works to keep fresh water supplies up to speed for residents. NCS were engaged to remediate the eroding surface of Filter #4. With a focus on safety and quality, this project was to become a benchmark on delivery of concrete rejuvenation in water retaining structures.

NCS were engaged to do the following:
  • prepare surfaces with high pressure water blasting to remove loose material
  • conduct extension adhesion testing of the substrate to ensure surface preparation was to requirements
  • undertake full system test panels to ensure intercoat adhesion of system
  • concrete repairs to Launder Beams and crack repairs to filter walls prior to application of coatings
  • re-profiling surface to aggregate head and finally to coat all internal wall surfaces and backwash channel
NCS were able to achieve great results through extensive understanding of previous concerns of delivery of Epoxy coating systems to Assets, working through these and preparing a program to deliver these works.

The outcome was deemed a ‘new benchmark’ in surface rehabilitation, from not only a safety management process, but quality management, documentation and successful delivery.

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